第四章 内建组件

前端开发 作者: 2024-08-25 19:20:01
介绍angular2提供了很多内建的组件,在这一章,我们会分别介绍它们,并展示一些怎么使用它们的例子. :fa-info-circle:内建组件可以直接导入到项目中来,而不需要像我们前面介绍一样使用directives导入NgIf当你想要根据一个特定的条件显示或者隐藏一个组件的时候,你可以使用Ng
<div *ngIf="false" > </div> <!-- 绝不显示 --> < div * ngIf="a > b" > </div> <!-- 当A大于B的时候显示 --> < div * ngIf="str == 'yes'" > </div> <!-- 如果字符串值为yes的时候显示 --> < div * ngIf="myFunc()" > </div> <!-- 如果myFunc函数返回true的时候显示 -->
<div class="container"> <div *ngIf="myVar == 'A'">Var is A</div> <div *ngIf="myVar == 'B'">Var is B</div> <div *ngIf="myVar != 'A' && myVar != 'B'">Var is something else</div> </div>
<div class="container"> <div *ngIf="myVar == 'A'">Var is A</div> <div *ngIf="myVar == 'B'">Var is B</div> <div *ngIf="myVar == 'C'">Var is C</div> <div *ngIf="myVar != 'A' && myVar != 'B' && myVar != 'C'">Var is something els\ e </div> </div>
<div class="container" [ngSwitch]="myVar"> <div *ngSwitchWhen="'A'">Var is A</div> <div *ngSwitchWhen="'B'">Var is B</div> <div *ngSwitchDefault>Var is something else</div> </div>
<div class="container" [ngSwitch]="myVar"> <div *ngSwitchWhen="'A'">Var is A</div> <div *ngSwitchWhen="'B'">Var is B</div> <div *ngSwitchWhen="'C'">Var is C</div> <div *ngSwitchDefault>Var is something else</div> </div>

@Component({ selector: 'switch-sample-app',template: ` <h4 class="ui horizontal divider header"> Current choice is {{ choice }} </h4> <div class="ui raised segment"> <ul [ngSwitch]="choice"> <li *ngSwitchWhen="1">First choice</li> <li *ngSwitchWhen="2">Second choice</li> <li *ngSwitchWhen="3">Third choice</li> <li *ngSwitchWhen="4">Fourth choice</li> <li *ngSwitchWhen="2">Second choice,again</li> <li *ngSwitchDefault>Default choice</li> </ul> </div> <div style="margin-top: 20px;"> <button class="ui primary button" (click)="nextChoice()"> Next choice </button> </div> ` }) class SwitchSampleApp { choice: number; constructor() { this.choice = 1; } nextChoice() { this.choice += 1; if (this.choice > 5) { this.choice = 1; } } }
<div [style.background-color]="'yellow'"> Uses fixed yellow background </div>
<div [ngStyle]="{color: 'white','background-color': 'blue'}"> Uses fixed white text on blue background </div>
<div class="ui input"> <input type="text" name="color" value="{{color}}" #colorinput> </div> <div class="ui input"> <input type="text" name="fontSize" value="{{fontSize}}" #fontinput> </div>
<div> <span [ngStyle]="{color: 'red'}" [style.font-size.px]="fontSize"> red text </span> </div>
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header"> ngStyle with object property from variable </h4> <div> <span [ngStyle]="{color: colorinput.value}"> {{ colorinput.value }} text </span> </div> <h4 class="ui horizontal divider header"> style from variable </h4> <div [style.background-color]="colorinput.value" style="color: white;"> {{ colorinput.value }} background </div>
apply(color,fontSize) { this.color = color; this.fontSize = fontSize; }
.bordered { border: 1px dashed black; background-color: #eee; }
<div [ngClass]="{bordered: false}">This is never bordered</div> <div [ngClass]="{bordered: true}">This is always bordered</div>
<div [ngClass]="{bordered: isBordered}"> Using object literal. Border {{ isBordered ? "ON" : "OFF" }} </div>
toggleBorder() { this.isBordered = !this.isBordered; this.classesObj = { bordered: this.isBordered }; }
<div [ngClass]="classesObj"> Using object var. Border {{ classesObj.bordered ? "ON" : "OFF" }} </div>
<div class="base" [ngClass]="['blue','round']"> This will always have a blue background and round corners </div>
this.classList = ['blue','round'];
<div class="base" [ngClass]="classList"> This is {{ classList.indexOf('blue') > -1 ? "" : "NOT" }} blue and {{ classList.indexOf('round') > -1 ? "" : "NOT" }} round </div>
<div class="base" [ngClass]="['blue','round']"> This will always have a blue background and round corners </div>
this.cities = ['Miami','Sao Paulo','New York'];
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header"> Simple list of strings </h4> <div class="ui list" *ngFor="let c of cities"> <div class="item">{{ c }}</div> </div>
this.people = [ { name: 'Anderson',age: 35,city: 'Sao Paulo' },{ name: 'John',age: 12,city: 'Miami' },{ name: 'Peter',age: 22,city: 'New York' } ];
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header"> List of objects</h4> <table class="ui celled table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Age</th> <th>City</th> </tr> </thead> <tr *ngFor="let p of people"> <td>{{ p.name }}</td> <td>{{ p.age }}</td> <td>{{ p.city }}</td> </tr> </table>
this.peopleByCity = [ { city: 'Miami',people: [ { name: 'John',age: 12 },{ name: 'Angel',age: 22 } ] },{ city: 'Sao Paulo',people: [ { name: 'Anderson',age: 35 },{ name: 'Felipe',age: 36 } ] }];
<div *ngFor="let item of peopleByCity"> <h2 class="ui header">{{ item.city }}</h2>
<table class="ui celled table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Age</th> </tr> </thead> <tr *ngFor="let p of item.people"> <td>{{ p.name }}</td> <td>{{ p.age }}</td> </tr> </table>
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header"> Nested data </h4> <div *ngFor="let item of peopleByCity"> <h2 class="ui header">{{ item.city }}</h2> <table class="ui celled table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Age</th> </tr> </thead> <tr *ngFor="let p of item.people"> <td>{{ p.name }}</td> <td>{{ p.age }}</td> </tr> </table> </div>


<div class="ui list" *ngFor="let c of cities; let num = index"> <div class="item">{{ num+1 }} - {{ c }}</div> </div>
<div> <span class="bordered">{{ content }}</span> <span class="pre" ngNonBindable> &larr; This is what {{ content }} rendered </span> </div>
第四章 内建组件